01 Jun Focus groups succesfully implemented in Spain!!
The Focus groups in EMME Project were set up with the aim of planning the most suitable contents of the training path for the target group and to develop post-placement support for migrants and companies inolved.
The project, through the focus groups, used a participatory process based on open dialogue in order to identify real needs of several sectors coming from different enterprises.
In Spain, the three Focus group sessions were implemented the 24th of May 2019 in the University of Almería and were attended by managers or HR staff of local enterprises invited by the Spanish partners of EMME project.
Focus groups were attended in total by 32 participants from 28 different companies representing sectors like agriculture, hostelry, cleaning, textile retail distribution, food industry, education and training, graphic design and building.
All those present in the focus groups contributed in some way to the discussion sharing their expertise and knowledge to identify the most relevant and requested job profiles as well as related competencies and needs in the regional context and, additionally, post-placement support required to employ TCNs as the key factors for their integration into the labour market.
The feedback and findings collected during the implementation of the focus groups in each country have been shared and integrated into a Transnational report that will be available very soon on this website.