Co-operativa Sociale Il Cenacolo is a Social Co-operative working in Florence, since 1991, on social inclusion and integration of vulnerable groups (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, long term unemployed people, NEET, disadvantaged people).
In the last ten years, the co-operative has experience in planning and managing projects and services offering guidance activities and supporting disadvantaged people into work.
Il Cenacolo works on public procurement or funding by public institutions (Municipality, Province and Region) and it has participated in the management of projects funded by the national annual programmes of the European Refugee Fund, European Integration Fund and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.
Il Cenacolo has developed a set of methodologies to facilitate migrants’ access into work through a close cooperation with local SMEs.
Il Cenacolo was the promoter of the transnational project EU-ROADMAP, funded by AMIF (2017-2018), which implemented a guidance desk and a common EU methodology for the skills assessment of migrants, in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market.
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