
Cooperativa Sociale il Cenacolo

Co-operativa Sociale Il Cenacolo is a Social Co-operative working in Florence, since 1991, on social inclusion and integration of vulnerable groups (migrants, refugees and asylum seekers, long term unemployed people, NEET, disadvantaged people).

In the last ten years, the co-operative has experience in planning and managing projects and services offering guidance activities and supporting disadvantaged people into work. 

Il Cenacolo works on public procurement or funding by public institutions (Municipality, Province and Region) and it has participated in the management of projects funded by the national annual programmes of the European Refugee Fund, European Integration Fund and the Asylum, Migration and Integration Fund.

Il Cenacolo has developed a set of methodologies to facilitate migrants’ access into work through a close cooperation with local SMEs. 

Il Cenacolo was the promoter of the transnational project EU-ROADMAP, funded by AMIF (2017-2018), which implemented a guidance desk and a common EU methodology for the skills assessment of migrants, in order to facilitate their insertion into the labour market.



Claudia Cultraro >

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CO&SO (IT), Co&So is a consortium of co-operatives located in the Tuscany region which includes 40 social and non-social co-operatives working in social, cultural and educational fields. Co&So consists of 29 employees who provide services to the associated co-operatives. The main services are: administration, monitoring and submitting calls on public procurement, offering European opportunities in order to promote innovation in the co-operatives in terms of improving employees’ competences and services, quality certification and communication.

All together the number of staff working in the associated co-operatives is 3000.

In Co&so there is a special office working exclusively on European funding with a very skilled staff which has more than 10 years of experience in the field.

There are 7 cooperatives providing support services for migrants, refugees and asylum seekers working in the area of Florence, Pistoia, Pescia, Lucca, Prato, Pisa, Livorno, Siena and Capannori and they provide around 122 services including reception centres and integration services managed on behalf of the Public Authorities. There are about 410 qualified working in this sector.


Patrizia Giorio >

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Fondazione Adecco


Adecco Foundation:  the Adecco Foundation for Equal Opportunities has been developing for over 17 years a series of educational work pathways promoting work integration projects for people with disadvantages in particularly women with families, people with disabilities, people over 40, refugees, long-term unemployed people and young people (NEETs). Adecco Foundation’s goal is to support people with disadvantages to move them closer to the labor market and to contribute to the creation of a more inclusive work force, in accordance with the principles of non-discrimination and equal opportunities. By providing its know-how, its knowledge of the dynamics of the labour market and its consolidated experience in career education and vocational guidance, the Adecco Foundation operates a systematic approach which brings together private, public and third sector partnerships.

In the past 17 years they have supported more than 8.000 persons and included 4400 in the labour market.

The Diversity & Inclusion programme for Equal Opportunities of the Adecco Foundation has resulted in the creation of an inclusive working environment that encourages the expression of individual potential and uses it as a strategy for attaining its organisational aims: that all people are part of a “common path” in which professional competence and skills are employed to strengthen the bonds  and the human capital in the company.


Monia Dardi >

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Confcooperative Toscana: Confcooperative Toscana is the regional organisation of the Italian Co-operative Confederation, the main Italian organisation, legally recognised, to provide representation, assistance and protection of the co-operative movement and social enterprises. It is a legal entity recognised by the Tuscany Region.

It is inspired by the co-operative principles established and periodically updated by the ICA (International Cooperative Alliance).

Confcooperative Toscana represents around 1,000 co-operative enterprises operating in different economic sectors across the regional economy.

The objectives pursued by Confcooperative Toscana through its territorial offices, are present in all the provinces of Tuscany, and the services for assistance to member co-operatives, are:

• the protection and representation of all the associated co-operatives in the different sectors (agricultural, habitat, work and services, culture tourism and sport, social solidarity, health, consumption) to local authorities and institutions, supporting the general interests and the economic and social function of co-operation

• the establishment of co-operative enterprises and the promotion of the co-operative movement and the values that come from that movement

• technical, administrative, legislative, trade union and financial assistance to the associated cooperatives

• supervisory control over associated co-operatives through the audit tool, carried out on behalf of the national government

• building national and international partnerships for research and testing of innovative solutions aimed at the development of the associated co-operatives.


Mauro Grandotto >

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Bridges Programmes


Bridges Programmes is Scotland’s specialist agency, supporting the social, economic integration and inclusion of refugees, asylum seekers, migrants, and anyone for whom English is a second language.

Recognised as an example of Best Practice in Scotland, the UK and Europe, Bridges works with employers and partners to ensure that their clients have the best possible support to help them into work (if eligible), education or further training.

Through a variety of programmes and resources Bridges helps clients build their confidence by re-engaging them with their skills, provides training, support, advice and guidance and work placements. Bridges support clients to understand and articulate their skills for the Scottish Labour market, and in turn, helps the labour market understand the potential and experience of their clients.

Bridges has a dedicated and expert team of staff supporting the needs and campaigning for the rights of their clients. Bridges delivers national programmes of integration on behalf of the Scottish Government, specifically in the Health sector, and are active advocates in, and contributors to, integration policy. Bridges is co-chair of the Employment and Welfare group of the New Scots Strategy; Scotland’s national Refugee Integration Strategy. Bridges is piloting the potential for a national recognition service for Scotland for overseas qualifications.


Margaret Lennon >

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Glasgow Clyde College



Glasgow Clyde College is Glasgow’s most welcoming, ambitious and innovative college.

Glasgow Clyde College is a multi-campus college with three sites based in Glasgow (West, Northwest and South) and the West of Scotland. The college has many years of industrial experience and provides exceptional teaching standards, delivered in modern facilities across 4 Faculties including Engineering Computing and Build Environment; Access and Continuing Learning; Creative and Cultural Industrial Industries, Business Development and Finance; Health and Well-Being; Humanities and General Education. We have substantial experience of skills training for all learners, including vulnerable target groups, comprising of long termed unemployed, young people, school leavers, lone parents, those with little or no core/basic skills, migrant workers, refugees, and the Black Minority and Ethnic community groups. The college has delivered EU Training Programmes for more than 25 years.

We have dedicated staff assigned to this type of programme delivery and we currently deliver a number of Full-Time Entrepreneurship training programmes each academic year. At Glasgow Clyde College learning and teaching is at the heart of what we do and we are committed to providing opportunities for the widest spectrum of learners. Our course offering is built on a sound evidence base and delivered by well qualified and experienced staff. A key aspiration is for our curriculum to deliver breadth, depth and aspiration.


Linda McFall >

Web > Glasgow Clyde College

Glasgow City Council


Glasgow is Scotland’s largest local authority and city and has been notably active in receiving asylum seekers and refugees in recent years within the context of Scotland and the UK. Since its growth as a major city, the inward and outward flow of people has been a key feature of its development. Over time, the provenance of new arrivals has shifted, but the pattern remains consistent. The recently launched new Economic Strategy for the city strives to ensure that we achieve fair and inclusive growth for all of our residents and reduce the social and economic inequalities in our city.  If we are to achieve these aspirations, then we must ensure that all of our residents are able to effectively contribute to and benefit from growing our economy.  This includes migrants and refugees who have made Glasgow and Scotland their new home.

We are also a participant in the Inclusive Cities programme – led by a multi-stakeholder taskforce, it is developing a new strategy for migration in the city, one of the key components of which will be workforce, skills and links with employers.


Liz Maguire >

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Almeria Acoge


Almeria Acoge: the ultimate objective of Almería Acoge is fighting social, cultural and economic exclusion of any person or group, especially migrants. Our Association has been supporting migrants through counselling and effective job proposals since 1987. 

We aim to create a space of welcome and meeting, where people can grow in friendship, solidarity and coexistence. Furthermore we work on the sensitisation of society about immigration as a social issue overcoming racist, xenophobic or intolerant attitudes, promoting dialogue, pluralism and intercultural co-existence. In order to reach these goals we have implemented countless initiatives, such as: training and awareness for intercultural co-existence; promotion and training of third country nationals; labour insertion; educational activities with children and young people; support for access to housing; legal and documentary advice; Spanish classes etc.

Nowadays, we are highly respected in the field, both by employers, public institutions and migrants themselves. We have created a strong network amongst all these stakeholders. Our experience throughout these years, as well as our knowledge of the third country nationals, will be useful in order to achieve the project objectives.


David Lorenz >

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Universidad de Almería



The University of Almeria, one of the youngest and most dynamic universities in Spain, was created by the Andalusian Parliament in 1993 by a proposal of the Governing Council of the Andalusian Regional Government. Furthermore, the CEMyRI (Centre for Migration Studies and Intercultural Relations), was created in 2009 with the sponsorship of the SEIE (Secretary of State for Immigration and Emigration-Ministry of Labour and Immigration), within the University of Almeria and through the Framework Co-operation Agreement between SEIE and UAL for the organisation and conduct of outreach, educational and research on immigration with a Framework Cooperation Agreement (CMC) activities.

From that year the CEMyRI has participated in and developed numerous projects both nationally and in Europe.

The CEMyRI is mainly engaged in scientific research and transfer in the field of migration and intercultural relations. This activity also takes place in the context of formal education and dissemination through seminars, conferences, etc.

The University of Almeria Foundation promotes the participation of the university community in the business environment in order to develop and strengthen professional skills.

In this regard, the interaction between the University of Almeria Foundation and companies is favourable to carry out an effective management of the aim of the project through the CEMyRI (University of Almeria) in collaboration with the rest of the team and partners


Pablo Pumares Fernández >
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Rambla Abogados & Asesores


Rambla Abogados y Asesores: is a training and consultancy organisation based in Palma de Mallorca which offers a wide range of services to companies regarding innovative training, materials and services (R+D+i) to promote entrepreneurship, support to startups and boosting employability.

RBS is also active in the social field by promoting ethics and values in the educational and private sectors with the aim of boosting multiculturalism and the integration of migrants as part of its Social Responsibility Policy.

Our consolidation and experience has allowed us to create our own R & D department for the development and implementation of our own technological, educational and social projects. Our interdisciplinary team of experts has participated and managed R & D projects and maintains an intensive networking experience with various private entities, government, technology centres and public research organisations at national, European and international levels, thanks to their extensive network of direct clients. Our staff has participated in numerous EU projects involving and collaborating with SMEs, associations, freelancers and social enterprises.


Eduardo Linares Mata >

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